尼古拉斯 & 李·贝戈维奇画廊  2020-2021


影响! 展览50年
2020年9月10日- 12月12日
地点: Weekly virtual highlights were posted via Instagram each Thursday.

Image: Postcard from 'Three Atmospheres' (Lloyd Hamrol and Judy Chicago)


威廉·卡马戈:起源 & 位移,波动率. 1 & 2
2020年10月3日- 12月31日
地点: 的 exhibitions were on view through the storefront windows at Grand Central Art Center (GCAC) & MUZEO博物馆 & 文化中心

(Image) William Camargo, “We Gunna Have To Move Out Soon Fam,” 2020, Digital inkjet print. 



影响加倍 was a continuation from fall semester’s 影响2020. It focused on socially distanced engagements with behind-the-scenes peek into the collection and exhibition archives, 项目亮点. 

影响加倍 was organized by the Begovich Gallery and  curated by Rachel Kaufman, M.A. 艺术史候选人. Digital content assistance provided by Jiani Zhu, undergraduate in graphic design.

Support for the gallery and the project made possible through the 艺术联盟, 相关学生, 公司. Instructional Related Activities, the 艺术学院, and the Department of

图片:Grant Rusk,来自“73 Folio”


Artists from the 贝戈维奇视觉艺术系列讲座


记者:我.A. 次, 十大靠谱网赌平台’s Begovich Gallery hosts visual arts lectures in 2021在新窗口中打开  

贝戈维奇视觉艺术系列讲座 introduces 学生 and the community-at-large to a broad range of interdisciplinary practitioners including artists, 教育工作者, 和电影制作人. 的 Begovich is committed to inviting innovative and prominent professionals to discuss their art practice and processes. 的 lectures are open to the public and are presented virtually in conjunction with classroom and studio disciplines in the 视觉艺术 Department.

讲座录音档案: Watch the 2021 贝戈维奇视觉艺术系列讲座 on Vimeo在新窗口中打开  



Graduates from the 视觉艺术 Department share their experiences as emerging professionals in their respective fields

Presented in partnership with Art 480T: Art World Spring 2021

2月4日:劳拉·布莱克(LAURA BLACK.F.A.、展览设计) 
Independent Curator, Founder of Universal Voice, Educator
2月18日:布莱恩·坎菲尔德(BRIAN CANFIELD).A.、玻璃) 
Principle Glass Painter and Studio Manager, Bera Stained

2月25日:伦索·戈麦斯| 20分.F.A.插图)
3月4日:D HILL | 15 (M.F.A.、创意摄影)
3月18日:约瑟夫·瓦伦西亚(JOSEPH VALENCIA.A.,艺术史) 
Independent Curator, Educator, Exhibition and Programs Manager at Vincent Price Art Museum
3月25日:布兰卡·纳瓦罗| 16 (B.F.A.、平面及互动设计)



Presented by ConSortiUm, a collaborative project of California State University

ConSortiUm is a ground-breaking collaborative that generates opportunities to include artists, 策展人, 学生, 教师, 工作人员, and other allies from across the CSU campuses in visual arts-based dialogue. Formed in Spring 2020 in response to the distance learning implemented by the CSU during the Covid-19 pandemic, ConSortiUm members are dedicated to responding to current societal issues and the pressing demand for an end to systemic and overt racism in California and beyond.

Hosted by 萨克拉门托 State, 圣地亚哥 State, and 圣荷西 State

March 11: VALERIE CASSEL OLIVER in conversation with
Hosted by CSU 富勒顿 and CSU Dominguez山

Hosted by 圣荷西 State, 旧金山 State, 索诺玛 State, and CSU 圣贝纳迪诺

Images clockwise from left: Howardena Pindell (Photo: Nathan Keay/MCA Chicago),  瓦莱丽·卡塞尔·奥利弗, 肖恩·莱昂纳多(图片来源:Lelanie Foster), and People’s Kitchen Collective Co-Founders Saqib Keval, 乔斯林杰克逊, and Sita Bhaumik (Photo: Tina Case Photography)

ConSortiUm’s participating CSU art museums and galleries include venues at campuses in 贝克斯菲尔德, Todd Madigan画廊; 奇科珍妮特·特纳版画博物馆; Dominguez山大学美术馆; 东湾大学美术馆; 夫勒斯诺市创意与艺术中心; 富勒顿,尼古拉斯 & 李·贝戈维奇画廊 and Grand Central Art Center; 洪堡, Reese Bullen Gallery and Goudi'ni Native American Arts Gallery; 长滩, School of Art and Carolyn Campagna Kleefeld Contemporary Art Museum; 洛杉矶, Luckman Gallery, Luckman Fine Arts Complex; 北岭,艺术画廊; 波莫纳, W. 基思 & Janet Kellogg University Art Gallery and Don B. 亨特利画廊; 萨克拉门托大学画廊; 圣贝纳迪诺, Robert and Frances 富勒顿 Museum of Art; 圣地亚哥大学美术馆; 旧金山美术画廊; 圣荷西Natalie and James Thompson画廊; 索诺玛大学美术馆; and 斯坦尼斯洛斯, University Art Gallery and Stan State Art Space.

参与“MFA @ MUZEO”的艺术家

图片由(自上)提供, 从左到右):亚拉·阿尔莫拉迪, Carrigan阿曼达, 凯特琳令人鼓舞, Negin也是, 马特的关键, Allison荷兰, 哈德利Mattwig, 尼克尔Ugay, 艾梅朔尔茨.

@ muzeo

2021年7月10日- 8月29日
Opening Reception: Saturday, July 10, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
地点:MUZEO博物馆 & 文化中心
241 S. 阿纳海姆大街.加州阿纳海姆92805
muzeo.org在新窗口中打开 / @muzeo

@ muzeo 虚拟漫游在新窗口中打开

MUZEO博物馆 and 文化中心 in partnership with CSUF Begovich Gallery presented CSUF MFA在MUZEO, a group exhibition showcasing works of nine graduating 学生 who completed their Master’s degree during the 2020-2021 academic year at 十大靠谱网赌平台’s 视觉艺术 Department. 参加者包括Yara Almouradi, Carrigan阿曼达, 凯特琳令人鼓舞, Negin也是, Allison荷兰, 马特的关键, 哈德利Mattwig, 艾梅朔尔茨, 还有妮可·乌盖.

的 exhibition was a unique opportunity for the public to preview the next phase of the 学生' artistic practice beyond their time at CSU 富勒顿.Various forms of media such as illustrations, 安装, 绘画, and sculptures demonstrate the scope of current artistic practices.

CSUF MFA在MUZEO 是由MUZEO博物馆举办的 & 文化中心和CSUF Begovich画廊. Support for the exhibition was made possible through the City of Anaheim, 阿纳海姆市中心协会, 艺术联盟, CSUF艺术学院, 和CSUF视觉艺术系.


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